Monday, March 16, 2009

Packing, Sorting and Storing

Annabelle is FINALLY well! She woke up this morning and asked me to make her "brekast" so I knew she was feeling better. I had planned to take her to the doctor today if she wasn't feeling better but she made a miraculous recovery and is in great shape today. We spent most of yesterday moving everything out of our enormous shed, sorting it, and re-packing it. Today we went to the box store and bought a huge stack of moving boxes, did some shopping at Target and came home to sort and pack some more stuff from the house into the shed. Justin took our futon apart and stored it in the shed. We'll have to move most of the stuff we don't use on a daily basis out to the shed so it will be easier to get the entire house carpeted in the next couple weeks. We've already accumulated a big pile of garage sale stuff, it's amazing what you find when cleaning out your stuff! We stopped at the Moore City Hall this morning and got our garage sale permit along with the garage sale signs we're allowed to post. We're planning on having the garage sale on Saturday only and what doesn't sale will be donated to Goodwill. This should be a very busy week, I'll definitely be ready to go back to work and rest next week! Thank goodness the weather has been absolutely beautiful here today...let's hope it stays this way for the garage sale!!

1 comment:

Nancy Jo said...

I'm glad you are having good weather and hope that it continues through your weekend. I'm so glad that Annabelle is well! I hope all three of you stay well. Love, Aunt Nancy C.