Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Funny Pics

Here are a couple more funny pics from this week. Annabelle eating cheerios from her skirt, better than a bowl any day!
Drinking her bottle and holding Daddy's sleeve, she has to either touch a sleeve with her fingers or toes while drinking her bottle! We're trying to get rid of all the bottles or "babas" as Annabelle would say but we can't seem to get rid of them yet, she only uses them at home now and not at Ruth's - thank goodness! Hopefully all the bottles will be gone in the next couple months along with the binkies!

Caramel Dip, Fries & Chicken Nuggets

Annabelle really likes Happy Meals now. She has also found a new delicacy...caramel apple dipping sauce with fries or chicken nuggets, she thinks it's delicious! Check out her pinky in the air while eating, she does this a lot.

An Evening in the Life of a Two Year Old

Annabelle's typical evening...trying on hats and hanging out in her "kitchen", searching through the drawers for a "blankie for her baby" a.k.a dish towel, dancing, "brushing" walter (look how happy he is about that!), and following Daddy around. Busy, busy, busy.

Chocolate Chip Cookies & A Dora Bandaid

Mmmmm Chocolate Chip Cookies. Annabelle isn't much of a "sweets" eater but she does like chocolate chip cookies. Here she is eating one, notice the Dora Bandaid on her forehead?...yes, she asked me to put it there on her "owie". Maybe a headache??

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

We wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday!
Gobble Gobble...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Annabelle's Adventures in Time Out

Annabelle had to take a "time out" for the first time yesterday at Miss Ruth's house. She was kicking a toy and wouldn't stop when Miss Ruth told her to stop many times. Annabelle told me she cried when Miss Ruth put her in time out! Miss Ruth said Annabelle was very good the rest of the day after the "time out"!

This morning on the way to work we drove by a big church with a HUGE white steeple. Annabelle pointed to it and asked me "what's that?" I told her "it's a church with a steeple"...she said "I'm gonna climb that!"... :) ...yep, she's gonna climb that!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bath Time!

Annabelle LOVES taking bubble baths. Usually she's "cooking" in the bath tub and takes all her utensils, pots and pans into the tub with her. If you ask what she's making it's usually "I ceam" (ice cream).

Annabelle in the American Girl Store

Here's a pic of Annabelle in the American Girl store on her Birthday! She was so excited to get her new baby!

Hats! Hats! Hats!

Some new pics of Les & Rylan. We LOVE the hats!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Finally Friday!

No pics of Annabelle to post today. Sorry! I have some new ones but just haven't gotten them uploaded yet.
Annabelle has been doing lots of funny things lately. Every morning on the way to the babysitter's house she yells loudly "HERE I COME RUTH!", it totally cracks me up. Yesterday she told me she needed "fingernail polish" before we could go to the babysitters. I've only painted her nails once and now she's an addict. Siti and Papa bought her a gumball machine filled with peanut M&M's to use for potty training. We've been trying the "potty training thing" but Papa smuggled a roll of pennies to Annabelle and she told me "Papa gave me the M&M's, they're mine"...I guess we'll have to wait until she runs out of the pennies Papa gave her to start the potty training :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Pics of Annabelle's 2nd Birthday

More pics of Annabelle's 2nd Birthday. Siti took these. Siti has been crocheting hats for Annabelle, they are so cute! Thanks Siti, we love the hats! As you can see, Annabelle got lots of gifts for her birthday...but I think her favorite thing was the balloons Daddy bought her, she wakes up every morning and asks for her balloons. Justin is going to have to buy her one every week now since she loves them so much. Who knew a balloon could be so much fun?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Funny Pics of Rylan from Leslie

Received these funny new pics of Rylan from Leslie. He is such a cutie! Annabelle can't wait to see you again Ry Guy!

Today Is Siti's Birthday

Today is Siti's Birthday. Just kidding about the "Nifty 50"...we won't say how old Siti is! Annabelle wanted to call Siti and Papa last night. She wanted to talk to "Big Papa" as she calls him. After we hung up the phone she kept saying "Papa, you there?", it was too funny!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Robertsons Ham Sandwiches

On the way back from Dallas and the American Girl shopping experience we stopped at Robertson's - famous for their Ham Sandwiches (sorry Lisa!). There are billboards for at least ten miles before the store that are bright red and just say "Robertson's Ham Sandwiches" we had to try it. The ham was pretty good! But the Jalapeno Summer Sausage is the best. Stop by if you get a chance!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Siti! We Love You!

Siti's Birthday is right around the corner too! Here she is opening her gift from us! Happy Birthday to you Siti (or Sippy as Annabelle would say)! We love you!

Annabelle and the Cutting Food

Cindy, Scot, Alyssa, Gavin & Leah gave Annabelle "cutting food" for her Bithday. Here are some cute pictures of Annabelle "cutting" the food! She's really concentrating on it.

Annabelle's New Baby!

We went to the American Girl store in Dallas for Annabelle's Birthday. We had been planning it for months and Annabelle was so excited! Siti and Papa came from Chanute to go with us. The American Girl store was AWESOME and very overwhelming for Annabelle. There were dolls everywhere and Annabelle couldn't understand why she couldn't hold them all. We ended up immediately buying her a doll because she was crying so much! Here are some pictures of the new "Bitty Baby" we bought. Annabelle loves her so much she took her to bed with her last night! ...and notice that her new baby even has glasses! When we put Annabelle to bed on Saturday night we turned off the lights and left the room and we could hear her singing "Happy Birthday to me" to herself, it was too cute!

Annabelle is 2!

Annabelle is 2! Here are some pics from her Birthday. She wanted a Barney cake for her birthday so we ordered it from a local bakery. We couldn't talk her into a Barbie or Wizard of Oz cake, it had to be Barney, her favorite guy. It was a very good cake! She's crying in the photo with the cake because Justin told her not to take the balloons off the cake yet, every time he tells her "no" about ANYTHING she cries! Too funny.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Amazing Annabelle's Best Kitty Friend

Walter acts like he doesn't like Annabelle, but secretly he loves her!

Hanging out in the bathroom waiting for Mommy to get ready for work.

Today is going to be a good day at Ruth's house, Ruth made cookies for Annabelle's Birthday and I brought special "treat sacks" for the kids.

Annabelle LOVES glasses

Annabelle is addicted to glasses. She loves them! This morning we started the day off with putting on the glasses, sometimes upside down, usually with a binky attached to one side of them (Daddy showed her how to do this). What girl doesn't start her day with her sunglasses. She has also perfected the "pout" as you can see in the picture!

Here's the latest photo from Mom of Rylan.
Look at that smile!
He sure is growing.
Annabelle and I can't wait to see him at Thanksgiving in Tulsa! Annabelle calls him "Ry Guy". Hi Ry Guy, we can't wait to give you a big kiss and a big hug!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Here she is. The amazing Annabelle on Halloween dressed as a princess, of course, picking the last pink flower out of our flower bed.

A Blogging First....

Giving this "blog thing" a try, hope it works!!!