Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hot! Hot! Hot!

The weather here has been so hot lately that there's not much to do but stay inside. I filled up Annabelle's small pool with water in the backyard today and we could only be out there for 30 minutes, the weather is just too unbearably hot! Annabelle is doing really good with potty training, she has been wearing "big girl" panties since Sunday and has been accident free. I think she was already potty trained I just needed to take the step and start putting panties on her! Probably more laziness on my part than hers! We found a tiny gecko on the wall in the dining room a couple days ago, we caught it a released it on the front porch, it seems to like our house and we've seen it a few other times in the garage - I hope he's catching lots of bugs!

We hope Siti, Papa & the Qualls family are having a good time in Branson. They called this morning and said it is raining :( Hopefully the weather will clear up so they can enjoy their vacation!

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