Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Could this Work Week Go By ANY SLOWER!

Not much new to post, just the same usual work week stuff. Annabelle has a new glitter ball (that Nancy from my office bought for her) and she is totally in love with it! She spent the whole evening playing with it, laying on the floor rolling it, bouncing it off Walter, bouncing it off the oven...it's real entertainment. Who knew a glitter and water filled ball could keep a two year old entertained for so long?

We're attempting the "house clean out of 2009"...it's a BIG challenge. I've scheduled the week of spring break off work so Justin and I can do a major house cleaning and prepare for our garage sale. We're also planning on scheduling new carpet installation for our living room/hallway that same week. I'm hoping the weather is good that week! We should be able to put the house up for sale after that.

Tonight is Girls night again since Justin has night class! Wooohooo!

Is it just me or is this work week CRAWLING??

1 comment:

Gramma C said...

The older you get, the more you will appreciate "crawling" time :-)