Friday, February 26, 2010

Almost the End of February! Already!

Annabelle had a 3 yr. well child check up this morning with our new pediatrician. The appointment went well & Annabelle is above average in everything. The new doctor was very nice, it's great to know we have a pediatrician now if Annabelle does get sick. Funny thing is, since she stopped going to daycare and moved down here where it never gets cold she hasn't been sick in over 6 months!...knocking on wood now. Annabelle truly has a mind of her own, she refused to let them weigh her until they bribed her with a sticker and then they wanted her to put on a little paper gown, I put it on her and she said "take this thing off me, it's ridiculous!" The doctor looked at Annabelle's feet and knock knees (thanks for the bad genes Daddy) and recommended ballet or exercise where she stands on her toes to help develop her leg muscles, I mentioned to the doctor that Annabelle falls down a lot on the playground and doesn't climb/run as well as the other children, this is an effect of the knock knees. Hopefully the exercises will help.

Walter has been showing his true "cat skills" lately, he's a real killer in the backyard, so far he has killed 2 rats (yes, large rats, not mice) and a gecko, he tried to bring a large dead rat in the house tonight but I stopped him before he could get in the door, he brought a bloody gecko tail in the other night - so disgusting. Funny since he is a house cat & we only let him outside for a little while each night, we never knew he was such a killer!

I met with a landscaper a couple days ago to look in to getting our backyard fixed. He plans on scalping, tilling, raking & leveling our backyard before putting down new sod. I'm pretty sure we're going to hire him since he owns a legitimate business & is insured. Just seems safer to hire a professional & not a random day worker! Hope he can start soon so we can cut down on the rat/gecko/unwanted critter population in the backyard...thank goodness we have "the killer" to keep the critters out of the house!

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