Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!!

I can't believe another year has gone by and my little girl is now 5! I finally got around to having more professional pics taken (not the best photos ever but they will do). Annabelle is growing up so quickly.

We spent the holidays in Kansas visiting friends and family. Over seven days, we drove 2,200 miles through three states. It was a long, crazy trip (as always) but we survived and we're glad to be back home in sunny South Texas. We say we'll never drive back to Kansas again after these long trips but inevitably we end up doing it again and again...I guess we just love our families that much! Christmas at Sitti and Papa's house was nice as usual. Annabelle loved playing with her cousins and running laps around Sitti and Papa's house with the other kids. I enjoyed holding baby Ali and playing with Rylan since it had been a year since I had seen them. It's always a little crowded but that makes it even more fun for Annabelle since she's so used to being the only kid around our house. The last day in Kansas was not so good, Sitti and Leah both came down with a bad stomach virus that was passed on by baby Ali. We ended up leaving in a hurry and covering ourselves with hand sanitizer to avoid the bug. Thankfully no one else caught it (especially Papa who already had pneumonia!). We spent a quiet New Year's Eve at home eating snacks and watching all the fireworks in our neighborhood, this year the light show was even bigger than Fourth of July! We hugged each other as it turned midnight and wished for a wonderful 2012. I just know it's going to be a great year for us!

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