Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Festivities

With Mrs. McCook, Library Storyteller

Treats for Preschool

Pencils for teachers, dance instructors and librarians

Annabelle's pre-ballet class

Annabelle's preschool class

Bubbles at the fall festival at the CDC
Trick or Treat parade on campus
It's not even Halloween yet and I feel like I've had my fair share of Halloween festivities! So far, we've celebrated Halloween: at a carnival at our friend's church, at the library with trick or treating and a Halloween story and craft, at dance class where Annabelle wore her costume and danced in costume, at the preschool where we had fun at the trick or treat parade and finally a fall festival at the preschool! Whew! That's a lot of Halloween and Halloween day is still a couple days away. We're just planning on the usual trick or treating in our neighborhood since Halloween is on a school night this year. I talked Justin into dressing as the big bad wolf to go along with Annabelle's little red riding hood costume.

I've also been baking a little more since the weather has been cooler. I pulled the crockpot out and tried a couple crockpot recipes that were not great. I tried a recipe for chocolate chip pumpkin brownies that were not good at all either. I think I'll stick to the tried and true recipes from the past!

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