Not much new going on around here. We had plans to go to the Art Festival on Saturday but woke up to cloudy skies so decided we didn't want to chance being stuck outside if bad weather moved in. We did a little clothes shopping instead, Annabelle ended up with most of the new stuff as always! Today was overcast also and VERY windy, we tried to go outside for a while but it was so windy Annabelle kept falling down! So, we did some more shopping and Annabelle picked out a new baby (a girl can never have enough babies!). Our yard, lawn, flowers etc. are looking really good this year, of course they are since we're moving! We still have no word on the appraisal, our real estate agent emailed and said the only thing she has heard is that it will be early in the week but the appraisers are swamped since interest rates are low. Justin and I are trying to make tentative plans to travel to Edinburg to look for a new home, we are tentatively planning on going around May 17 if all goes as planned, which it never does :) Time seems to be moving by very quickly now, before you know it we will be heading South! Hope everyone has a good week!
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