Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Frustrating, frustrating...what more can I say?

Why does selling a home have to be so difficult? Yesterday our agent called and said the Buyer wanted her insurance company to come out and look at the house to see if they would cover the roof. Today our agent called and said the insurance agency WILL cover the roof, it is basically in good shape, has a few cracked shingles but they will cover it. Now for the frustrating part...the Buyer has decided to cancel the Friday inspection because she needs the house to meet the appraisal value so she can make sure she gets her FHA Loan, now we have to wait until next week sometime for the appraisal. If the house doesn't meet the appraisal value she would have to get a conventional loan...which she obviously can not get. So now we are playing a waiting game. Justin and I both decided it is a good idea to keep showing the house, so we told our agent to let anyone in who wants to look at it. The Buyer has nothing to loose if she backs out, we have two weeks of showing the house lost if she backs out! Hopefully this will all work out for the Buyer and we can move on!

1 comment:

Gramma C said...

Oh yeah...selling a house is quite the experience. It can be a real horror story. Hope your story has a happy ending.