Friday, March 16, 2012

The past few weeks have just sped by. Annabelle lost another tooth - this time a front one. She looks so goofy and cute with her new toothless grin. Her other front tooth is loose now too.
Spring break was this week, we tried to keep it low key and just spent time doing things we like to do (a.k.a shopping, eating, sleeping). I always envisioned us spending our spring break on the Island, enjoying the beach, since we live so close but it's so crazy with spring-breakers this time of year that we avoid it for the entire month of March.
Annabelle has been "practicing" Easter egg hunting, she has four eggs that she carries around in a basket and if she can talk Justin or I into hiding them she's thrilled. She's going to be a pro by the time the preschool has their egg hunt this year. Tonight when I was tucking her into her bed she insisted that I put all four eggs on a pillow next to her IN the bed. Silly girl of mine!

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