We survived our first hurricane (Alex) down here in the Valley. Last week was very busy, we had to shovel our own sand bags, issued by the city and place them in front of our doors. We had to bring in ABSOLUTELY everything that was outside including all Annabelle's toys, our lawn furniture and plants. I had to make a mad dash to the HEB to get "hurricane supplies" including bottled water, canned meats and canned foods. I've never seen so many crazy people grabbing absolutely everything off the store shelves, it was worse than my experiences in Oklahoma when a blizzard is coming! UTPA closed their campus for 3 days so Justin was home most of last week. Thank goodness the hurricane passed us by uneventfully, with just lots of rain and a little wind. Hopefully the rest of the hurricane season will be the same! Luckily, the hurricane didn't ruin too much of our holiday weekend. We were invited to a July 4th celebration that was canceled because the area where we were all supposed to park was under water. So, we decided to go to the city parade. Annabelle really liked it, it was a little hot and sunny out but what can you expect, we're in the Tropics! We had a big BBQ with fajitas and lots of good food last night and one of Justin's good friends spent the evening with us. We were able to see some of the city fireworks from our backyard. It's been a nice relaxing weekend, I'm thankful we're not spending it cleaning up storm damage!
1 comment:
I'm so glad your first hurricane was an non-event. It looks like Annabelle had a great time at the parade. Glad to hear you had a relaxing day, too. Love, Aunt Nancy C.
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