I took Annabelle to her first story time at the Lark branch of the McAllen library today. I think she really enjoyed it and there were TONS of kids there. After we listened to two stories we got to do a special craft, this week was shark week so we got to glue a shark onto paper and color it, Annabelle thought this was lots of fun! The funniest part of the whole adventure was when the librarian asked Annabelle her name and Annabelle said "my name is peekapoo pup" I said no, that's not you're name and Annabelle told the librarian "You can call me Babe, Babe Writer"...I just about died! We're planning on going to story time every week so we can hopefully make some new friends!
Justin and I are still unpacking. Justin is focusing on the garage and has it mostly cleaned out. We also need to repair a couple slats on our privacy fence so poor Walter can go outside, he's just dying for some fresh air. I let him out for a while this morning but he tried to escape through the broken fence slat so guess he's an indoor cat for now.
I've been working out of my home office and all is going well. We bought a new desk and next I'll be buying a new office chair. It's been really nice working from my home instead of an office!

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