I had a dental appointment today for a cleaning & to fix my front tooth again. The appointment went well and while I was there I asked the nice people at "The Dental Depot" about bringing Annabelle in to have her teeth checked, the dental hygienist told me they have a "clown" on duty for the kids...I then said "a WHAT"...his name is "Smiley O'Riley" HOW CREEPY IS THAT!
...I don't know about you but I'm totally creeped out by clowns (thinking John Wayne Gacy, Stephen King's IT etc. etc.). I'm pretty sure Annabelle would be totally creeped out too, I haven't introduced her to the creepiness of clowns yet, figured I'd save that experience for later in life, don't really look forward to her climbing me in fear. I can't think of anything worse than a Dental Appointment AND a creepy clown!
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