Day three of the big clean up and it's becoming a little overwhelming, how did we acquire so much stuff? Justin has moved boxes around in the shed about 100 times trying to utilize the space in the best way possible. He woke up this morning with sore arms and legs from all the moving...funny thing is Annabelle is at an all time high for energy!
Today I cleaned out a few cabinets in my kitchen and packed some more stuff away. Justin had a meeting at OCU, he had to leave for a little while this afternoon (lucky guy, he got to get away from the mess for a while!). Every time Annabelle sees something new she just has to play with it-that slows me down a lot. If she's not trying to unpack everything I've packed she begging me to "hold her"...I think it's just a ploy to get up higher so she can get a better view of all the "stuff" and pick her next "must have" item! Her newest obsession is "Big Mouth Billy Bass" a gag wedding gift we received from Josh, Justin dug it out of a box and Annabelle fell in love with it, if you don't remember Billy Bass he is a plastic fish that sings "Don't Worry Be Happy" and "Take Me to the River, Put Me in the Water"...very entertaining for a two year old. Annabelle has to play him at least ten to twenty times every hour and then she says "he wants us to put him in the water" or "he wants a bath" or other comments about her "goldfish", she even asked Justin where the nearest River is...pretty funny at first but I think Billy Bass might disappear into a box (or the river) tonight!
The carpet installers called while I was packing and wanted to install the new carpet TOMORROW! I ended up talking them in to installing it a week from Friday so we can have more time to move everything out of the house...dreading that!
We took a break from packing this evening when we heard a big commotion in the bush in the front yard, Annabelle and I went out to check it out and there were two male Mallard ducks stuck in our bush flapping around! They would come out for a while and look at us and then go back into the bush, it was too funny! Our neighbor and her little boy, Derek, came over to check out the ducks and we tried to feed them some bread but I think the poor ducks were just disoriented and not looking for something to eat. They ended up getting spooked by some bikers and flew away. Annabelle followed Derek around for a little while and had a good time playing with him, he picked a daffodil and gave it to her and she was absolutley thrilled with it!
Tomorrow we're taking a day off for some fun!
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