Sunday, March 29, 2009
s-NO-w WAY!
Friday, March 27, 2009
New Carpet in the House!

The New Carpet Was Installed Today!!! Hooray! I was so sure they were going to cancel because of the storms/hail/snow but they managed to wrap all the carpet in plastic and install it without getting anything wet! It sure does open up the house. Annabelle has been running laps all day! We're meeting with our Realtor, Keesty, on Wednesday to start the process of putting the house on the market.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Disconnected for a While...
Justin will be moving our main computer to the garage tonight, we will be without internet access for at least a day. Most of the other furniture is in the garage in preparation for the carpet installation tomorrow. We're going to take Annabelle's bed down tonight and put it in the garage, she's still been working 3rd shift and sleeping all over me! She looked pretty tired this morning!
The weatherman is calling for SNOW tomorrow! I can't believe it...wouldn't that just top things off - earthquake, hail, now SNOW!! I sure hope they can still install the carpet if the weather is bad!
The weatherman is calling for SNOW tomorrow! I can't believe it...wouldn't that just top things off - earthquake, hail, now SNOW!! I sure hope they can still install the carpet if the weather is bad!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What the Hail!

Last night we had a pretty impressive hail storm. Of course this is the week my car as well as the truck are out of the garage because we are moving furniture to the garage so the new carpet can go in on Friday...of course it's going to hail this week! Good thing it was small hail & I don't think it did any damage to the house or cars! Annabelle is STILL working third shift-she wakes up at around 2 or 3 am and usually keeps me awake all night because she won't sleep in her bed, I usually cave and let her sleep with us. She spends the entire night spinning circles in the bed or taking up more than half the bed so I usually end up either smashed between her and Justin or hanging off the edge of the bed. My dream right now is an entire seven to eight hours of straight sleep with no one touching me...shoot, I'd even go for six hours!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thank You!

Thanks everyone for the cards and gifts! Thank you for thinking of me today! It sure doesn't FEEL like I'm 36...
Garage Sale Success!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Building a Bear

We went to Build a Bear yesterday and built a teddy bear for Annabelle. She was a little overwhelmed with all the stuffed animal choices and she didn't quite understand what was going on, plus the vacuum cleaner sound that the "stuffing" machine makes spooked her a little bit! The clothing choices for the bear are endless and Annabelle couldn't really decide which outfit she liked best so Daddy had to help her out with that choice...he has pretty good taste in bear clothing! Annabelle was more interested in pushing the bear around in her stroller. It was an okay experience but not one of Annabelle's favorites, thank goodness I got to use some of my Pampers points to get a gift card for build a bear so it was actually almost free! Woohoo! We spent the rest of the day organizing for the garage sale. Today we sorted and priced items and we'll do the same tomorrow...we already had one person stop by this morning who wanted to look at our stuff since I've already advertised the sale...we had to tell her she would have to wait until we have everything priced!!! Crazy garage salers!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How did we ever acquire so much stuff???

Day three of the big clean up and it's becoming a little overwhelming, how did we acquire so much stuff? Justin has moved boxes around in the shed about 100 times trying to utilize the space in the best way possible. He woke up this morning with sore arms and legs from all the moving...funny thing is Annabelle is at an all time high for energy!
Today I cleaned out a few cabinets in my kitchen and packed some more stuff away. Justin had a meeting at OCU, he had to leave for a little while this afternoon (lucky guy, he got to get away from the mess for a while!). Every time Annabelle sees something new she just has to play with it-that slows me down a lot. If she's not trying to unpack everything I've packed she begging me to "hold her"...I think it's just a ploy to get up higher so she can get a better view of all the "stuff" and pick her next "must have" item! Her newest obsession is "Big Mouth Billy Bass" a gag wedding gift we received from Josh, Justin dug it out of a box and Annabelle fell in love with it, if you don't remember Billy Bass he is a plastic fish that sings "Don't Worry Be Happy" and "Take Me to the River, Put Me in the Water"...very entertaining for a two year old. Annabelle has to play him at least ten to twenty times every hour and then she says "he wants us to put him in the water" or "he wants a bath" or other comments about her "goldfish", she even asked Justin where the nearest River is...pretty funny at first but I think Billy Bass might disappear into a box (or the river) tonight!
The carpet installers called while I was packing and wanted to install the new carpet TOMORROW! I ended up talking them in to installing it a week from Friday so we can have more time to move everything out of the house...dreading that!
We took a break from packing this evening when we heard a big commotion in the bush in the front yard, Annabelle and I went out to check it out and there were two male Mallard ducks stuck in our bush flapping around! They would come out for a while and look at us and then go back into the bush, it was too funny! Our neighbor and her little boy, Derek, came over to check out the ducks and we tried to feed them some bread but I think the poor ducks were just disoriented and not looking for something to eat. They ended up getting spooked by some bikers and flew away. Annabelle followed Derek around for a little while and had a good time playing with him, he picked a daffodil and gave it to her and she was absolutley thrilled with it!
Tomorrow we're taking a day off for some fun!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Packing, Sorting and Storing
Annabelle is FINALLY well! She woke up this morning and asked me to make her "brekast" so I knew she was feeling better. I had planned to take her to the doctor today if she wasn't feeling better but she made a miraculous recovery and is in great shape today. We spent most of yesterday moving everything out of our enormous shed, sorting it, and re-packing it. Today we went to the box store and bought a huge stack of moving boxes, did some shopping at Target and came home to sort and pack some more stuff from the house into the shed. Justin took our futon apart and stored it in the shed. We'll have to move most of the stuff we don't use on a daily basis out to the shed so it will be easier to get the entire house carpeted in the next couple weeks. We've already accumulated a big pile of garage sale stuff, it's amazing what you find when cleaning out your stuff! We stopped at the Moore City Hall this morning and got our garage sale permit along with the garage sale signs we're allowed to post. We're planning on having the garage sale on Saturday only and what doesn't sale will be donated to Goodwill. This should be a very busy week, I'll definitely be ready to go back to work and rest next week! Thank goodness the weather has been absolutely beautiful here today...let's hope it stays this way for the garage sale!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sick, Sick, Sicker...Poor Annabelle

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Update - Sick Again
Annabelle is still sick! She says her "belly is broken"...
She slept all evening and night and is home today with Siti and Papa (who brought her lots of presents to make her feel better!).
We hope she feels better by tomorrow so she can do some "fun" stuff with Siti and Papa.
It snowed here this morning, it was sleeting at first but then turned to snow. It was snowing pretty hard for a while but just left a light cover of snow on the ground. It all melted this afternoon, it is still very cold outside and overcast...sure hope it warms up by next week!
Justin called and said his office at OCU is flooded AGAIN. Water was pouring in. They have a terrible roof leak and they can't seem to get it repaired. Poor Justin had to move all his stuff out of his office. Guess the office of an adjunct professor just isn't very important to them! What a day!
I took my car to the dealership to have the "clicking" looked at - they told me it would cost $450 to fix the problem! No thanks, I'll live with the constant clicking for now! :(
Justin and I begin the big "shed cleaning of 2009" event next week to gear up for our end of the week garage sale. We are both off for the entire week so it should be an exciting event!
She slept all evening and night and is home today with Siti and Papa (who brought her lots of presents to make her feel better!).
We hope she feels better by tomorrow so she can do some "fun" stuff with Siti and Papa.
It snowed here this morning, it was sleeting at first but then turned to snow. It was snowing pretty hard for a while but just left a light cover of snow on the ground. It all melted this afternoon, it is still very cold outside and overcast...sure hope it warms up by next week!
Justin called and said his office at OCU is flooded AGAIN. Water was pouring in. They have a terrible roof leak and they can't seem to get it repaired. Poor Justin had to move all his stuff out of his office. Guess the office of an adjunct professor just isn't very important to them! What a day!
I took my car to the dealership to have the "clicking" looked at - they told me it would cost $450 to fix the problem! No thanks, I'll live with the constant clicking for now! :(
Justin and I begin the big "shed cleaning of 2009" event next week to gear up for our end of the week garage sale. We are both off for the entire week so it should be an exciting event!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Uggghhh...sick again
Annabelle is sick again. She didn't feel well last night, she kept saying her back hurt. This morning she woke up with a fever and said her belly hurts. I gave her some Motrin and sent her to Ruth's house since everything at my office is a big mess this week. I'm planning on leaving work a little early to pick her up and luckily Siti and Papa are on there way here to babysit Annabelle tomorrow and Friday since Ms. Ruth is going taking a couple days off to go to the Basketball games. I hope Annabelle is feeling better by tomorrow, seems like she is always sick when Siti and Papa come!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Earthquake 2009
We were shaken out of bed this morning by an earthquake! Can you believe that? Not only do we have to endure tornadoes, ice storms, droughts but now another earthquake! This one was a 3.6 centered about a mile away from us. It was big enough to make a noise and shake the house. Justin and I both thought a car had hit the house! Crazy I tell ya!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sesame Street Live! Saturday

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday - Thank Goodness this Day is Almost Over!
This has been a very interesting day to say the least!! I knew the day was going to go downhill this morning when the turn signal clicker in my car started clicking non-stop AGAIN...I guess this is a defect with Oldsmobile Aleros, I've had it fixed one other time about a year ago. The nonstop blinker clicking doesn't affect the actual function of the blinker but it is VERY annoying. I love my good ol' car (she has over 120,000 miles on her and lots of history with us) but she does have some funny "problems" that crop up now & again. As I was leaving work, listening to the nonstop fast & then slow clicking noise of the car blinker, I decided it might be a good idea to try to turn the hazard lights on, maybe that would "fix" the blinker noise? So I pushed the hazard light button on the dash - and the button pushed ALL THE WAY into the dash somewhere and disappeared, falling behind the dashboard of the car & leaving the hazard lights on and clicking!! Just Great! Now my problem with the blinking noise had escalated into a drive home with the hazard lights on - and NO blinkers...uggghhh. So Annabelle and I continued our long rush hour traffic filled trek home with the hazard lights blinking and stop and go bumper to bumper traffic. I called my Mom and was talking to her about how funny it was, most people were steering clear of me and staying back because of the hazard lights...and then it happened...WHHHAAAMMM...rear-ended in a split second! Annabelle and I both got flung forward. Next thing I know the guy from the car behind me is at my window he says "Look, I'm late for my flight, I didn't do any damage to your car so let's just go"...I remembered everything my Dad and everyone ever taught me about car accidents so I told him no, I wanted to have a police report, I was worried about Annabelle, I didn't know how much damage was done to my car? So I called 911, pulled to the side of the road (the other guy was hesitant to do it but I insisted) we waited for the Highway Partol to arrive. Come to find out the other driver was from Philadelphia (definitely not familiar with Oklahoma stop and go traffic), late for his flight, in a rental car etc. etc. Annabelle had some red marks on her neck from the carseat seatbelts - thank goodness her seat worked very well (It's a Graco brand FYI) . I was most upset and worried about my girl, I was very worried about her and I don't know what I would do if she had gotten hurt! We left with a police report and sore necks. So that was our horrible day. I sure don't want to repeat that one again!!!!! Can you believe I got hit WITH my hazzard lights ON???
Note: Justin is such a great Daddy and Husband! He immediately fixed my hazard light button (I'll have to take the car to the dealer for the blinker clicking noise), he made dinner for Annabelle and let me lay on the couch and chill out! Thank goodness I married Mr. Fixit!
Note: Justin is such a great Daddy and Husband! He immediately fixed my hazard light button (I'll have to take the car to the dealer for the blinker clicking noise), he made dinner for Annabelle and let me lay on the couch and chill out! Thank goodness I married Mr. Fixit!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Water Baby Rylan

Annabelle has a Water Baby (another great toy investment in my opinion) that she totally loves giving a bath, it's a great toy because it is built to be played with in the bathtub AND you can fill it with warm water (kinda like a hot water bottle) and it FEELS real - sometime a little too real! Tonight she decided to name her water baby and guess what his name is. . .Rylan! :)
Nothing Beats a New Purse...and Some Coupons

Monday, March 2, 2009
New Pic of Rylan
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Weekend Highlights

Choosing New Carpet

We scheduled someone to come out on Wednesday to measure for our new carpet. I picked out a few samples of our favorite shades of beige and these are the four front runners shown on top of the tile in our entryway, I think we're leaning toward the one on the lower right, it really doesn't matter which color we pick, just as long as it helps sell the house!
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