For months before Christmas if you asked Annabelle what she wanted for Christmas she would say "a vacuum"...don't ask me why, she is DEATHLY afraid of vacuums, if we bring ours out while she's around she screams, cries and hides! She also has a weird obsession with looking at our vacuums with the flashlight, most nights she'll go get the flashlight, look in the closet and say "there's the vacuums"...maybe she's just checking to make sure they aren't coming out to get her? Ms. Ruth gave Annabelle a Dora flashlight for Christmas so now she can look at the vacuums WITH the Dora flashlight. Anyway, I told Aunt Lisa to get Annabelle a child size vacuum for Christmas and she did...Annabelle LOVED it and spent the entire time at Siti & Papa's dragging the vacuum cleaner around their house in a circle. The vacuum actually makes noise and picks up dirt so Siti's carpet and floors should be spotless thanks to Annabelle! and the Vacuum cleaner obsession continues, she's cleans my floors every day and looks for the vacuum first thing every morning, she even wants the vacuum by her bed at night!! Maybe next we can get her hooked on mopping or cleaning the toilet ;)
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