What a wasted work day, not much to do here at the office but "look busy and act worried" (as Justin would say) to keep the boss from bugging me. It's actually 50 plus degrees & sunny outside, all evidence of the "ice storm" are gone - a perfect day to do something outdoors but I'm stuck here at my desk trying to wrangle new photos of bread for our next ads. Hopefully the weather will stay nice so Annabelle and I can visit the park tomorrow...maybe we'll find some ducks to feed!
I've armed myself with an extra binky in the car for tonight's drive home. Last night Annabelle wailed the entire ride home because we forgot her binky at Ruth's house and she wanted it so badly! After thirty minutes of non-stop "I want my binky" crying I thought I was going to lose my mind...then as we pulled into the garage I looked down into my purse and there it was - a pink binky sitting in my purse, right in front of my face! Oh, the joys of motherhood!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My Artist

Since yesteday Annabelle has been asking her Daddy for a guitar, not just any guitar, a PINK guitar. First thing this morning when she saw Daddy she asked "when do I get my pink guitar", I'm not sure where the obsession with the "PINK guitar" came from, but now poor Daddy is on the lookout for a pink guitar for Annabelle!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Snow Day Continued

I made it home from work after a treacherous drive that ended with my car almost getting stuck in our neighborhood - thanks Papa for the helpful winter weather driving advice, I wouldn't have made it without you! The car was actually just sitting in the street stuck, I thought I was going to have to get out and walk the final few yards to the house! The car is now in the garage and I think it will stay there until this weather passes...
Here are some pics of Annabelle checking out the weather and a pic of the ruts in our yard from the mailwoman getting her mail truck stuck for 20 minutes!
I sure hope it warms up tomorrow!
Snow Day!
Bad weather in Oklahoma today and yesterday. OCU closed at 1:30 yesterday, Justin picked Annabelle up from Ruth's house (after a 45 minute drive that should've taken 10 minutes!). OCU and OU called off classes today, Justin and Annabelle are at home enjoying the sleet/snow/ice. I am at work - came in late, roads were horrific so hopefully I'll get out of the office before the sun goes down! It's lightly snowing outside now, would be really pretty if I were sitting in my house and not at my desk! The Big Boss bought us all pizza for lunch since we're all trapped in here for the day...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Uneventful Weekend

Friday, January 23, 2009
Little Wizard

Here's a pic of Annabelle that Justin took. She likes to wear her Wizard outfit while watching Wizard of Oz lately. When we get home every evening Annabelle immediately gets her "costume box" out and picks a different outfit for the evening...sometimes she's a princess, other times she's a "mean witch"...it's pretty hilarious!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Gavin!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
New Pics of Ry Guy
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Potty Training with Elmo
Friday - Gotta put on Lipstick
Friday, January 16, 2009
Bathtub Fear is Gone!

I think the bathtub fear is gone for now. Annabelle took a bath last night without crying or screaming. It took two nights of Justin and I cheering "yaaaay, baths are fun" while Annabelle was sitting in the bath but it seemed to work!
Annabelle has a cough now, I guess we'll never be "sickness free"! I'm looking forward to warmer weather so maybe there won't be as many germs floating around! No big plans for the weekend, just going to spend some time cleaning up around the house and doing some craft projects with Annabelle.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Fever Again...I know...it's Like a Broken Record
Annabelle had a fever AGAIN last night when I picked her up from Ruth's house. It was only 101°, not as high as it has been in the past. She woke up with the same fever again this morning but was feeling okay so I gave her more Motrin and sent her off to Ruth's house this morning. She yelled "Ruth I'm back" as I was turning on to Ruth's street this morning, it was pretty darn funny! She was happily playing with her friends Riley, Daria, Ripkin & Lucas when I left...let's hope that fever doesn't come back!!
Annabelle also has a new fear of taking a bath...not sure where this came from. She is TERRIFIED of sitting in the bathtub and screams the whole time I try to give her a bath. She says it makes her stomach hurt and "she might poop" :) I've tried new toys, bribery, candy, long talks about taking a bath, getting in the tub with her, showing her the tub is clean, etc. etc. Any helpful hints on conquering bath tub fear would be much appreciated! Otherwise I'll be getting the blow up pool out of the shed tonight and bathing Annabelle in our garage.
Annabelle also has a new fear of taking a bath...not sure where this came from. She is TERRIFIED of sitting in the bathtub and screams the whole time I try to give her a bath. She says it makes her stomach hurt and "she might poop" :) I've tried new toys, bribery, candy, long talks about taking a bath, getting in the tub with her, showing her the tub is clean, etc. etc. Any helpful hints on conquering bath tub fear would be much appreciated! Otherwise I'll be getting the blow up pool out of the shed tonight and bathing Annabelle in our garage.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Celebrating Daddy's Birthday! Presents!

We celebrated Daddy's 35th Birthday by taking him to the Royal Bavaria Restaurant in Moore. The food was fantastic and Annabelle had a good time looking at the interesting German decor! After the Royal Bavaria we came home and opened presents. Daddy got lots of neat stuff he really loved! Thanks everyone for the cards and gifts! Check out the Royal Bavaria website at: http://www.royal-bavaria.com/
Friday, January 9, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Update - Sick Again
Justin is still on break from school so Annabelle stayed home with him today. I made an appointment with the pediatrician for 10:20 a.m. and met Annabelle and Justin there. We waited in the waiting room for 45 minutes! and finally got to see Dr. Sigler. Annabelle was VERY afraid the doctor was going to look in her ears so she covered her ears and cried the ENTIRE time. Dr. Sigler decided we should do a strep test, it came back negative, so we think Annabelle just has a nasty virus - rash, fever, bloodshot eyes and a bunch of other icky symptoms - so for now we are just waiting it out and Annabelle is home with Daddy until she feels better, good thing Daddy is home this week (even though he won't be able to get his work done!). Now if we can just get over this sickness and stay well for at least another week! That would be a record for us! I'm seriously considering using one of those masks and coating her in hand sanitizer :) just kidding!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sick AGAIN!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Saturday Aftenoon - PlayDoh

Friday Night Funny Pics

We took all Annabelle's bottles and gave them to the "Baba Fairy" Friday night, Annabelle was very sad, but she got to pick a present at Target today and decided on a new ball with "princesses" on it! Now she's really a big girl! Potty training here we come! Daddy and I have promised Annabelle that she can have the bitty twins boy doll if she uses the big potty...we can't wait to get rid of the diapers and pull-ups! Wish us luck!
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